Hashem Works Everything Out!
There is an older Yid who is not well and he can’t fend for himself. So a yungerman by the name of R’ Yitzchok* was
There is an older Yid who is not well and he can’t fend for himself. So a yungerman by the name of R’ Yitzchok* was
R’ Naftali* he is very makpid to give tzedakah before Shacharis every day. He is also very makpid to go early to shul every morning.
Mrs. Katz* needed to go shopping, but she did not have a penny to her name. She said, “I just have to do my job,
Shloimy,* a bachur learning in Eretz Yisrael, needed to go shopping and he didn’t have any money with him. He decided to go to the
Mrs. Schwartz’s* child was reading an advertisement and it showed a picture of the mitzvah kinderlach. That child really wanted to play with mitzvah kinderlach.
Click below to download this week’s issue of The Spring Hill Times. Inspired by ‘A Life with Bitachon’. The Spring Hill Times Issue 133 Beshalach