Just in Time
Mrs. Strauss* didn’t have much extra money, but she really wanted to be able to help other yidden, so she opened a chair gemach. Someone called her up and said that she’s making a simcha and needs...
jewish school
Am Yisrael is Amazing!
R’ Halpert* heard about a Jewish child going to public school. He went to the parents and asked them why they didn’t send him to a frum school. They told him that they would be happy for...
It's All Kavod
R’ Schechter,* a yungerman,  was offered the zechus to drive the Rosh Yeshiva of BMG, Rav Yerucham Olshin, somewhere that he needed to go. He really, really wanted to do it, but his wife needed...
An,Image,Of,A,Nice chair
Free Chairs
Mrs. Ausband’s* chairs were falling apart. She wanted to get them fixed, but she knew it would cost a lot of money, so she wanted to find someone who would fix them for a reasonable price. She...
The Best Therapist
R’ Klein,* a therapist was working with a child who had many, many delays. The parents weren’t seeing any progress. They said to the therapist, “We don’t understand. You’ve been working with...
"Who is in Charge?"
Rabbi Golombeck was in the bank Wells Fargo on Friday in order to take care of something important. They told him that in order to take care of it he would need an appointment. They told him he would...
A Special Tefilah
Mrs. Levin’s* husband was struggling in his avodas Hashem. They were at a family gathering, and someone embarrassed her in public and said, “What’s with your husband? He can’t get his act...
Hashgacha Pratis
R’ Friedman,* a Rebbe, had to bring his daughter to a doctor’s appointment. He realized that he would have to take off from teaching time. He didn’t want to, because he just took off recently...
Bitachon In Shul
R’ Fisher* from Eretz Yisrael moved into a new neighborhood and started going to a new Shul. He wanted to daven for the amud. He was davening there for a few weeks, and they never asked him once...
Pages from Binder1
The Bitachon Weekly- Parshas Tzav-Parah 5784
Torah insights and inspiration by the world-renowned Rabbi Yehuda Mendal. Rabbi Yehuda Mendal studied under the tutelage of Rav Gershon Liebman amongst other Torah Leaders. The Bitachon Weekly Parshas...
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