Am Yisrael is The Most Caring Nation
Mrs. Golombeck went to the store to purchase something. Someone saw that she wanted to purchase something, and he said, “I want a zechus. Can I please pay for that item?” It was a very expensive item...
Pages from Binder1
The Spring Hill Times Issue 140 Pekudei 5784
Click below to download this week’s issue of The Spring Hill Times. Inspired by ‘A Life with Bitachon’.  The Spring Hill Times Issue 140 Pekudei 5784
Nissim Geluyim!
R’ Hoffman from Eretz Yisrael struggles to make ends meet. He doesn’t have an extra penny from one day to the next. He was making a chasunah, and he had to help out his daughter with a dirah and...
Heart cloud in the blue sky
Rabbi Golombeck sees how much Hashem Loves and Cares for him!
A mother left him a message with a question on the hotline. He called her back and said to her that this question was for her Rav and she should be asking him. She said that with these types of questions,...
"Just Try!"
Akiva Shwartz, a yungerman, said that one of his children was taking a very hard test and was nervous about failing, not knowing the material, and about the fact that it was going to be so difficult....
Bitachon Kollel - Nurturing Faith in Every Learning Moment
Thriving Bitachon Kollel!
A Rosh Kollel by the name of Reb Yehuda Tzvi Kramer has a Bitachon Kollel where he pays his yungeleit to learn a Sefer on Bitachon every day for five minutes. He was making a raffle to collect money...
Worked out to the Dime: Divine Providence at the Cleaners
Worked out to the Dime!
Rabbi Golombeck went to the cleaners, and the item was $6.95. He only had $6. The cleaners said that the credit card minimum is $15. He said to them, “What do you want me to do?” They said he could take...
The Ko'ach of Emunah: Harnessing the Power of Belief
Who's Really In Charge?
Mrs. Gold* said that her daughter wanted to go to camp with all her friends. The camp said that all her friends were accepted, but she was not. She felt very rejected. Then she said, “One second. They’re...
Every Second is a New World: Divine Renewal and Healing
The Ko’ach of Emunah
Rabbi Golombeck’s talmid told him that he woke up with a splitting headache. He couldn’t imagine how he would be able to function. He took a cup of water and made a shehakol. BOOM, just like that, the...
Menuchas Hanefesh: Embracing Tranquility & Joy through Bitachon
Menuchas Hanefesh Above All!
Mrs. Weinberg was late for her child’s eye doctor’s appointment and called to see if she could still be seen. The receptionist said that if she could come within seven minutes, then yes;...
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