Someone accidentally broke Mrs. Adler’s* glass table. It cost around $700-$800 to fix and she did not know how she was going to replace it. She said to Hashem, “I don’t know how I am going to replace it, but you have a plan!” The next day, someone came to…


A yungerman went shopping and bought a lot of stuff. The problem was, he didn’t have a car to go home, and it was too far to walk. He was trying to think of different options and then he said, “One second. Hashem, You are the Kol Yachal, and you…


Mr. Eisen* found out that he has a brain tumor. He went to the hospital and the doctors said, “Sorry, it’s too late and there nothing we can do about it anymore. You have just a few more weeks…” He follows, “A Life with Bitachon,” and knows that the doctors…


It was raining and Mordechai’s windshield wipers were not working. He couldn’t drive without the windshield wipers. So he asked Hashem to make them work and he strengthened his Bitachon for a few minutes!! P.S. A few minutes later, they started working again!

Bitachon Baby Born after 20 Years

Mrs. Shein,* a neighbor of Rabbi Golombeck, has a son who had been married for over twenty years without children.  Her daughter-in-law is forty years old and just had her first baby! Her son and daughter-in-law said it was because of Bitachon; they never gave up!

Food From Hashem

R’ Bleich, a yungerman, could not afford to buy chicken for his family. An organization sent him two boxes of chicken each month, which was just enough for Shabbos, so his family was not able to eat fleishigs during the week. One day, his wife said that she and the…

Hashem Heals

R’ Weiss was having some problems with his teeth, and they were hurting him. He went to the dentist. The dentist did something, but afterwards it was hurting more, so he went again. This happened again and again. He went ten times!! Every single time it just got worse. No…

Bitachon Electricity

Simcha Elefant from Eretz Yisrael came home Erev Shabbos, and his wife said that they have a blackout. How were they going to cook and get ready for Shabbos?? He said to her, “I’m having Bitachon that the electricity will be back on by five minutes.” It went on in…

Hakol Yachol Express Service

Mrs. Baum* sent clothes to the cleaners on Thursday afternoon. She needed it before Shabbos, but they said, “Sorry, the earliest we can do is Monday.” She had no choice but to leave it there, but she said, “Hashem, they say nothing doing, but You are Hakol Yachol.” Friday she…

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Bitachon is the realization of the infinite love that Hashem has towards us and that He is constantly taking care of us.