Eight-Year-Old Boy Loves Hashem

Eight-Year-Old Boy Loves Hashem

Eight-year-old Efraim* had a stomachache. When he got better, he told his mother that he wanted to give five dollars of his money to Tzedakkah. She asked him, “Why do you want to give five dollars to tzedakkah?” Efraim answered, “”To show my Hakoras Hatoiv to Hashem for making me…

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Eight-year-old Efraim* had a stomachache. When he got better, he told his mother that he wanted to give five dollars of his money to Tzedakkah.
She asked him, “Why do you want to give five dollars to tzedakkah?”
Efraim answered, “”To show my Hakoras Hatoiv to Hashem for making me better!”” [Heard from R’ Zevy Golombeck]