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Moshe* from Cilfton, New Jersey, received a text from his chavrusa saying that he got the flu.
A few days later, Moshe came down with the flu as well.
He woke up from a nap and when he was about to go down the stairs in his home, he blacked out, falling down a flight of stairs face first.
His wife called Hatzalah and they took him to the hospital. Incredibly, there were no broken bones or damage to his skull!
When they did the CT scan, they noticed that his appendix was enlarged.
They performed an emergency surgery.
The doctors told Moshe that the “”incidental”” finding in his appendix was cancer! Now that they removed the appendix he is cancer-free!
Had Moshe never fallen, his appendix could have erupted which the doctors said would have been fatal! Moshe was cured of cancer before ever knowing I had it! Such amazing hashgacha pratis! [Heard from Moshe]

Read more: Hashem pays Bills!