The children in the Stein* family had a genetic disease that limited the types of food that they are allowed to eat to only a fews types of foods, otherwise it would be dangerous for them.
They decided as a family to repeat every day that Hashem is The Borei Refuos. Suddenly, out of the blue, the doctors discovered a cure, and now all kids with the genetic disorder are cured with the Ko’ach of The Borei Refuos!
[heard by Zevy Golombeck]
Thank You to The Borei Refuos!
Hashem, The Borei Refuos
The children in the Stein* family had a genetic disease that limited the types of food that they are allowed to eat to only a fews types of foods, otherwise it would be dangerous for them. They decided as a family to repeat every day that Hashem is The Borei…