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R’ Yechezkel Golombeck Z’tL had a partnership in a suit business. Every time an Avraich would come in to buy a suit for their son, R’ Yechekel would find a reason to give him a discount, cost price, or even less.
Once, an Avraich came in and told him that he was making a Bar Mitzvah and wanted to buy suits for his children. So R’ Yechezkel told him, “Oh, it’s such thing you came in today; everything is half price!”
The Araich went out of the store saying, “It’s such Hashgacha that I came today!”
It was Hashgacha; his brother was making him feel good without even telling him.
These were stories that happened every day. He was constantly giving to Avraichim without them knowing.
He saw every Avraich that came into the store to buy a suit for their son as an opportunity to make them feel good.
May his Neshama have a Alyiah.

Read more: R’ Yechezkel Golombeck Z’tL- A Life Full of Chesed