“It’s up to You!”
Miri* was supposed to have a test the next day, but she was busy helping her mother, and she didn’t have time to study. She
Miri* was supposed to have a test the next day, but she was busy helping her mother, and she didn’t have time to study. She
R’ Roth* wanted to get his Tallis cleaned for Pesach. He went to the cleaners, but they told him that they were not doing anything
R’ Roth,* a chashuve Chassidshe Yid from Monsey, said that his son’s long peyos got tangled in a fan. Everyone was trying to help him
R’ Kahn* travels a lot, sometimes for seven hours straight, without getting out of the car! He said that what keeps him going mentally, emotionally,
Mrs. Greenberg* was having company, and her house was flying. She didn’t have the strength to clean it up. On top of that, she also
Mrs. Stern* went outside to wait for the school bus. She realized that the bus had already left! She was thinking, “Uh-no, that means I