Daily Bitachon #1610

This story has been called in by Mishpachos Berkowitz. She needed to go shopping for a certain item that she needed very badly. She knew that the item cost $30, but she only had $20. She was thinking, “I need to get it right away, and therefore I have to go to the store at once. But what should I do? I only have $20, and I know it costs $30.” Then she said, “One second, who’s the one that pays my bills all the time? My loving, caring father – HaKadosh BoruchHu, the Ribbono shel Olam. I’m just going to throw it up to HaKadosh BoruchHu. How, when, where, why – I don’t have to figure it out!” While she was walking to the store, she was just telling herself over and over, “Hakol Yachol.” Then, when she arrived at the store, an old friend of hers came over to her. She said, “It’s such Hashgacha Pratis I met you. One year ago, I borrowed $10 from you. I didn’t know when I was going to see you next, and I wanted to return it to you so badly. Here it is – $10!” One year later, returned at the exact moment and second that she needed it! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1612

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