This story has been called in by a very Choshuve Yid by the name of Yoel Dweck. He said over that his friend called him up and said, “I need help. I’m flying this week, and I still haven’t received my passport. I called up the passport agency, and they told me not before at least another week. They said, “There’s nothing to talk about. Sorry, there’s nothing we can do for you. We’re backlogged for the longest time. Therefore, as much as we wish we could help you, there’s nothing that we can do to help you.” So his friend said, “What should I do? I feel so stuck. Here I’m traveling this week and they told me my passport is not coming for another week? What should I do?” Yoel said, “I don’t understand the issue and problem. I’ve been following the stories of ‘A Life with Bitachon’ for the past few days now, and I’ve been hearing story after story how people were having Bitachon for other people. So, guess what? I’ll have Bitachon for you that you’re going to go to your mailbox, and you’ll find your passport inside.” His friend said, “Are you serious, or is this just a joke? I mean, they said it’s not coming for another week.” Yoel said, “Very simple. I’m going to Hashem; He’s a Kol Yachol, the one in charge. It’s not the passport agency; it’s Hashem. All you have to do is go to your mailbox and wait for a surprise.” With that, he was Mechazek himslef, “HaKadosh Boruch Hu, it’s You, You are the one in charge of sending the passport!” His friend opened up the mailbox, and right there was the passport, with the best delivery service! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.
Read more: Daily Bitachon #1614