This story has been called in all the way from Eretz Yisrael by a very Choshuve Yungerman by the name of Yossi Ellach. He said that his sister, who was born in Eretz Yisrael but now lives in Europe, called him up and said, “Can I please ask you for the biggest favor?” He said, “Sure, of course, go right ahead.” She said that she was born in Eretz Yisrael, but she never got an official Birth Certificate. The only piece of paper that she has was what the doctor wrote. By now, it’s very hard to read. The letter is very unclear. She really wanted to get an official birth certificate. “Is there any way you can go to the Misrad HaPnim and pick one up for me?” He said, “Of course, sure. No problem. My greatest pleasure.” With that, he made an appointment at the Misrad HaPnim. Finally came the day of his appointment, and he arrived. They said, “How can we help you?” He said, “I’m coming to get a birth certificate on behalf of my sister.” They said, “Let’s look in the computer.” They came back, and they said, “First of all, she’s over 18 years of age; she has to come in herself. Second of all, we don’t even see any of her information in the system. It must have been too long ago. It’s probably backed up by the archives, but we don’t have access to it. Sorry, nothing we can do to help you!” With that, he left the Misrad HaPnim. On the way back, he was thinking, “What do they say, that they can’t help me? Who needs them to help me? I have my loving, caring Father, HaKadosh Boruch Hu, the Ribbono Shel Olam. Let me go again, this time with Bitachon. And once I’m going with Bitachon, I don’t even need an official appointment.” With that, he started walking back, being mechazek, and singing “Hakol Yachol.” He walked into Misrad HaPnim and they said, “You have an appointment?” He said, “No, I’m so sorry, but… I just want to ask a quick favor.” They said, “Okay, how can we help you?” He said, “I’m here to pick up an official Birth Certificate on behalf of my sister.” They said, “Okay, let’s check the system. Oh, she’s not even here; the information is backed up in the Archives; we don’t have access, sorry.” Then they looked up and said, “Oh, one second. The director of the whole Misrad HaPnim just looked in, out of the blue; we weren’t even expecting her. We don’t even know why she’s here, but she’s the only one who’s going to be able to help you.” With that, the director said, “How can I help you? What can I do for you?” He said, “I need a Birth Certificate on behalf of my sister. Now she lives in Europe and she wants it.” She said, “Okay, let me check the system. Oh, I see, it’s here. It’s in the archives! Okay, no problem. We’ll take care of you at once, 1-2-3, with the best service! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.
Read more: Daily Bitachon #1615