Daily Bitachon #1619

This story has been called in from New York by Mishpachas Zeitlin. She was walking with her friend, and they were going towards the bus stop, and they needed to make the bus B11. They wanted to go home right away. They called the bus company to see when the next bus was going to come. The bus company said, “We’re so sorry. We’re just sending out a bus now. It’s going to take at least a half hour. You’re not going to be able to find the bus any time before that.” Mrs. Zeitlin turned to her friend, and she said, “You know what the bus company just told me? That we’re going to wait a half hour, but you know what? I follow “A Life with Bitachon”. I don’t believe in Teva; you know what I believe in? I’ll tell you. “Hakol Yachol!” I believe Hashem is the one in charge of sending us a bus.” They looked at the bus stop, and they saw there was a city bus that said, “Not in Service.” Mrs. Zeitlin turned to her friend and said, “Well, guess what? The bus is not in service, but when we arrive, you’ll see – Hashem is a Kol Yachol; He can work everything out. He can make it that this bus will be in service.” They got to the bus stop, and they saw that the bus still said, “Not in Service.” They said to the driver, “We’re looking for the B11.” He said, “Sure,” and he switched “Not in Service” to “B11” and said, “Come right in!” As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1620

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