Daily Bitachon #1624

This story has been called in by a very Choshuve man by the name of Mishpachas Lambert. He said over that he had a Chavrusa that right when they would start learning, he would put the air conditioner full blast blowing right at him. For R’ Lambert, it felt very, very chilly. He knew his Chavrusa would not appreciate if he would tell him to turn it off. This had been going on already for a few days, and he didn’t know what to do; he was so uncomfortable. Then he stopped and said, “One second, why do I have to figure out ideas how to make sure that my Chavrusa doesn’t turn on the air conditioner and it doesn’t get uncomfortable for me? Let me just leave it up to HaKadosh Baruch Hu. Let me leave it up to the Ribono Shel Olam. He’s in charge of emotions. He’s a Kol Yachol; He can do everything and anything, and with that, I’m just going to leave it up to Hashem.” The next day, they started learning. Right away, the Chavrusa went to turn on the air conditioner, and it started blowing all over. A minute later, he said, “One second. It’s so chilly for me. It’s so cold. I don’t like this air conditioner anymore.” With that, just like that, he turned it off. Now, Boruch Hashem, they learn every day, so Geshmak, so comfortable, with no air conditioner blowing on them. As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1641

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