Daily Bitachon #1647

This story was called in by a very choshuve yid by the name of Aaron Pesach Weiner. He said he went swimming, and while he was in middle of the swimming pool, he realized that his phone was in his pocket. He was thinking to himself, “I’ve been swimming for fifteen minutes. That means that my phone is waterlogged. What are the chances that my phone will ever work again?” Then he said, “Hashem, I know that everything you do is perfect and amazing. You’re the one in charge of what the status of my phone should be. There’s no such thing as waterlogged.” With that, he went to the end of the swimming pool and put it on the side. Instead of checking to see if it worked or not, he put it on the side until he finished swimming. Then he was thinking to himself, “Before it got waterlogged, the phone wasn’t working properly. Every time, to get it to start working would take time. Now that the phone won’t be working with laws of nature, it will be working with bitachon, Hashem could make it that the phone will start working twice as well as it was working before.” With that, after he finished swimming, he went to look at the phone. It was working perfectly. He shut it off and restarted it, and he saw that the phone was working better than before! He said now he understood what the words mean, “everything started working, better than ever!” As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1650

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