Daily Bitachon #1659

Chaim Leib Pam was driving his car in the middle of no man’s land, and he realized that his car was running out of gas! There was no Chaveirim around and no yidden to help him. He felt so stuck! He was thinking, what should he do now? Then finally, his car came to an abrupt stop. It jusdidn’t go anymore. It was totally out of gas. He saw a non-Jew walking by, so he stopped him and asked him if there were any local gas station where he could go buy gas. The non-Jew responded, “Well, nothing within walking distance. So sorry.” The non-Jew went on his way. Chaim Leib thought to himself, “What should I do? I feel stuck.” Then he started thinking about all the yesodos and stories he heard on a Life with Bitachon. Hakadosh Baruch Hu is Hakol Yachol and He can do everything and anything. He said to himself, “Do I really believe that? Do I really feel that? I’m in the middle of no man’s land, yehupitzville. No Yidden, no Chaveirim, my car has no gas, and it’s not walking distance to the gas station.” Then he thought, “I guess I’ll have to call AAA.” He called them and asked them if they could send him gas. They said, “Yes, but it’s going to take a very long time.” Chaim Leib really didn’t want to wait such a long time. He really wanted it right away. He decided to be mechazek in Emunah and Bitachon. Chaim Leib was thinking, “Even though I have a hard time believing it, I’m just going to say the words. Hashem, You can do everything and anything, whether I feel it or not! I’m leaving it all up to you.” A short time later, he saw the non-Jew he had spoken to earlier parking his car right next to him. The non-Jew told him, “Remember you were asking for gas, and I said there’s none within walking distance? Well guess what? I live right here, and I drove my car to the gas station! I bought you a container, filled it up with gas, and now you have free service and free gas, and you can go on your way!” As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1660

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