Daily Bitachon #1672

This story was called in by Mrs. Berlin from Bensalem. She got her son’s bus card for the year. It said that her son’s bus stop was four blocks away from her house. She had a house full of young children and babies. How in the world was she going to manage bringing her child four blocks away from the house every day? She really wanted the bus to come to her block. She asked her friend, “Is there any chance of getting the stop changed if I call the bus company?” Her friend starting laughing and said, “We all tried that! This is how they work. They want to put everyone at the same bus stop, and we’re all in the same boat; we all tried. We did every last hishtadlus. We’ve been living like this for years; nothing doing.” Mrs. Berlin said, “Let me try.” She called the bus company, but they said, “Sorry, it was tried many times before, nothing doing. This is how we operate, this is how we work.” She sat down, and she was thinking about how much Hashem helped her in the past. She said, “The same Hashem that helped me in the past can always help me!” She realized that even though the bus stop was still in the same place, four blocks away, Hashem was helping her already. It was becoming much easier by the day to bring all the kids to the bus stop. She was speaking to her friend who follows a Life with Bitachon, and she told her friend, “I see that when I puts Hashem into the picture, it gets better and better. Still, I really wish they would change the bus stop to right in front of my house. What should I do? The bus company doesn’t want to budge.” Her friend told her, “Let me tell you a secret. The secret is, don’t give up your Bitachon. Do not believe that it’s impossible. Hashem is Hakol Yachol. He can do everything and anything. If it didn’t happen yet, the day will come that yes, you will see Hashem will give you what you want. Just don’t give up.” Mrs. Berlin said that shortly afterwards, all of a sudden, the bus company called her up. They said, “We’re changing your bus stop to the block of your house! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1673

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