Daily Bitachon #1689

This story has been called in by a chashuva yid, by the name of R’ Avrumi Waldman. He was waiting at the airport to get a flight back to Lakewood. The lines were out the doors. It looked like he was going to have to wait a couple of hours. By the time it was going to come his turn, the plane would be long gone! But he really wanted to go home already! He was trying to figure out what he should do. Then he said, “One second. Who’s in charge of making sure I catch my flight? My loving, caring father Hakadosh Baruch Hu the Ribbono Shel Olam. If Hakadosh Baruch Hu is in charge, He’s Hakol Yachol. He can do everything and anything. Ahh, the line looks like its going to take hours? But, when you live with Hakadosh Baruch Hu, its a different Shulchan Aruch; its a different set of laws.” All of sudden, as he was thinking about Hakadosh Baruch Hu running this world, and that He’s Hakol Yachol; a supervisor called him over to the side and said to him; “Come with me. I’m going to give you door to door service.” I’ll take care of all your needs!!” Just like that, out of the blue; he didn’t even know where that person came from. He got on the flight that he needed go on in no time. He got the best service, better than ever!! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1691

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