Broken Film Projector Works

Broken Film Projector Works

Rabbi Gross. a fourth-grade Rebbe in Chicago, IL, was trying to show his class a film from the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation about Ahavas Yisroel, but it wasn’t working.
He tried this and he tried that but it still didn’t work.
One of the boys started singing ‘Hakol Yachol’. But a different boy said, “”Do you really think it’s going to get it to work? Rebbi already tried a bunch of things.””
Right then it started to work! The whole class got chizuk in Emuna and Bitachon that even though their Rebbi couldn’t do it, Hashem could do it! [Heard from Rabbi Zevy Golombeck]


Read more: The Power of Bitachon!

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