‘Hashem has Everything Prepared!”
Yocheved* had a very complicated, difficult math test; the teacher said that everyone needed to bring a calculator for the exam. So she prepared everything,
Yocheved* had a very complicated, difficult math test; the teacher said that everyone needed to bring a calculator for the exam. So she prepared everything,
After a fire broke out in R’ Shlomo Baker’s house last week, he equipped himself with his Emunah and Bitachon eyeglasses and found the sparks
Mrs. Robert’s* anxiety makes falling asleep for her difficult. She devised a plan to aid her in the process: She either listens to the Ki
An Avreich from Lakewood, R’ Shmuel*, tries very hard every day to arrive at Kollel before his chavrusa to be well prepared before they start
Rav Golombeck had something that broke in his house and he called a repairman to fix it. The repairman told him that he was very
Mrs. David* needed a particular product, but the problem was that they didn’t sell the item at the local grocery where she was shopping; they
Mrs. Stone* was looking to purchase a new china cabinet, but after searching multiple stores, she was unable to find the design and color china
It was raining on and off all of Shabbos in Lakewood. Rav Golombeck and many other yidden were hoping that they would have the opportunity
For the longest time, R Ruevan* had a light bulb in his dining room that wasn’t working. While enjoying their Shabbos Sudah on Friday night,
During the Bein Ha’Zmanim, Yoni Neuman,* without a Yeshiva that normally gave him breakfast, found himself hungry after Shacharis. As he was thinking of what
Moshe* from Cilfton, New Jersey, received a text from his chavrusa saying that he got the flu.A few days later, Moshe came down with the
R’ Shmuel Turner* from London hired someone to do a job for him and he owed the person 1300 dollars. Money was very scarce and
The Spring Hill Times is a newspaper focused on happy positive news, with a special focus on how wonderful Hashem is to us. The reader will also get a glimpse of the greatness of Hashem and the greatness of Klal Yisrael.