Hashem is Always Thinking About You!

Hashem is Always Thinking About You!

An Avreich from Lakewood, R’ Shmuel*, tries very hard every day to arrive at Kollel before his chavrusa to be well prepared before they start learning. Yesterday, R’ Shmuel’s morning was very hectic, and he wasn’t able to come at his normal time. When he arrived, he saw that, lo and behold, his chavrusa wasn’t there, and he arrived only when he had prepared completely for their day of learning.
R’ Shmuel was enthralled by how Hashem worked everything out with such hashgacha pratis!
[heard by R ‘Zevy Golombeck]

Read more: Hashgacha Pratis!

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An Avreich from Lakewood, R’ Shmuel*, tries very hard every day to arrive at Kollel before his chavrusa to be well prepared before they start learning. Yesterday, R’ Shmuel’s morning was very hectic, and he wasn’t able to come at his normal time. When he arrived, he saw that, lo and behold, his chavrusa wasn’t there, and he arrived only when he had prepared completely for their day of learning.
R’ Shmuel was enthralled by how Hashem worked everything out with such hashgacha pratis!
[heard by R ‘Zevy Golombeck]

Read more: Hashgacha Pratis!