Daily Bitachon #1608

This story has been called in from Mishpachos Klein from Montreal. Her daughter went to work, and she called her up from work all frantic that one of the machines that she needed in order for her to do her job was not working. “I tried every last technique and trick and Hishtadlus. I restarted it. I pressed this button, I pressed that button. But the machine is not turning on; it’s lifeless. It seems like it’s kaput. I need a technician. Mommy, could you help me out? Is there any way we can call a technician?” She made some phone calls, and they said, “Sorry. Nothing doing before Shabbos. It’s going to take a couple of days.” She told her daughter, “I’m sorry, there’s nothing I can do to help you out.” Later on, all of a sudden, her daughter called back. She said, “Mommy, after I got off the phone with you, you know what I did? I said, ‘What would Mommy do in such a scenario?’ You would stop and be Mechazek that there is no machine that decides to work or not to work. It’s Hashem. He is a Kol Yachol. Hashem is the one doing everything from start to finish and everything in between. With that, I turned on a story from A Life with Bitachon to hear a Kol Yachol story, to be Mechazek me. The second I finished the story, I pressed the button on the machine, and it started working!” As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1609

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