This story has been called in from Cleveland by Mishpachos Holstein. A couple of her children asked her, “Mommy, could you please get us a treadmill? We would really enjoy it so much.” She responded, “Right now it’s not a good time for me to get it for you. But you should understand and realize that even though it’s not a good time for me to get it for you, Hakadosh Baruch Hu is a Kol Yachol; He can do everything and anything, and therefore they can go straight to the Source, go straight to the Boss, HaKadosh BoruchHu, the Ribbono shel Olam Himself.” With that, her family said, “Okay, HaKadosh BoruchHu, we’re going to You. You’re the Kol Yachol.” Later on, she was driving her car, and she went down a side street. She saw that sitting at the corner was a treadmill. She looked at a sign on it that said, “Free. Works like new.” She said, “Wow, this is too good to be true!” The person whose it was said, “Sure, I’ll help put it into your car.” In no time, she brought it home. It worked perfectly, Gevaldig and amazing! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.
Read more: Daily Bitachon #1613