Daily Bitachon #1615

This story has been called in by Mishpachos Zefrin. She had to cut her baby’s nails. The issue was that every single time she tried cutting her baby’s nails, her baby would screech and pull back her hands; it was such a hard experience. Her baby was so scared and anxious about it. But what could she do? Her nails were getting long, and it was time to cut her nails. Mrs. Zefrin turned to her family and said, “What should we do? We have to cut the baby’s nails. In the past, the experience we went through was that the baby screeched throughout the whole time.” So her Kinderlach said, “Mommy, What’s the issue? What’s the problem? While you’re cutting the nails, put on ‘A Life with Bitachon’ and we’ll all be mechazek together in “Hakol Yachol.” Mrs. Zefrin started cutting each nail and everyone was listening to ‘A Life with Bitachon’ and being mechazek together that Hashem is the one in charge of emotions. The baby was sitting there so calm, relaxed, with Menuchas Hanefesh and Simchas HaChaim. As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1616

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