This story was called in by Mrs. Strohli. She said that one day, she really wanted a cleaning lady very badly. The problem was, it wasn’t a day that her cleaning lady usually came. Why in the world should her cleaning lady come just because she needed her? She thought, “Maybe she has a cancellation, I’ll call her.” She called, and the cleaning lady said, “Sorry, no cancellations today. I’m filled up to capacity today. Nothing doing, I won’t be able to come.” Mrs. Strohli hung up the phone thinking, “One second. The cleaning lady said that she has a full house today. She doesn’t have an extra minute for me. But is she in charge? Or is Hakadosh Baruch Hu the Ribbono Shel Olam in charge? I’m just going to go with Emunah and Bitachon, that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is Hakol Yachol, and He’ll work it out! How, where, when, why? I don’t have to figure out eitzos! I’ll just leave it up to Hashem!” At the end of the day, all of a sudden, the cleaning lady knocked on her door! She says to Mrs. Strohli, “You wanted me to come? Even though I don’t usually work now, I usually go home now, I’ll stay and do you a favor. I’ll give you one hour. After one hour, I go home.” Mrs. Strohli said, “Of course, thank you so much!” As the cleaning lady was cleaning up, Mrs. Strohli was thinking to herself, “I really need her more than one hour. I really need her to do a couple more things after she finishes the hour. So should I ask her? Let me try.” She asked her cleaning lady if she was able to do the floor, and this and that. She said, “Sorry, sorry! I’m already doing you a favor! One hour and nothing more!” Mrs. Strohli was thinking to herself again, “Who made the cleaning lady come for the first hour? You think she decided? It was Hashem! The same Hashem’ will make it that she’ll do a full job.” After the hour was over, Mrs. Strohli saw that the cleaning lady kept on working and working until everything was so perfectly gevaldik and amazing! She got the best service, better than ever! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.
Read more: Daily Bitachon #1671