Mrs. Gross’s children were trying to make something in the Betty Crocker. However, when they plugged it in, the light didn’t go on, and it wasn’t working. She came to try to help out the situation. She tried this way and that way, but to no avail. Everyone in the family was trying to see what they could do. For over two hours they tried to get it working!! Nothing helped. Then she got the whole family together and she said, “You see, our Betty Crocker is broken. It’s not working. We already tried every last thing. But do you know really, we didn’t try the most important hishtadlus, more than any other hishtadlus in the while entire world. Who is the One who makes Betty Crockers work? You think it’s the plug? You think it’s the outlet? You think it’s the machine? It’s our loving caring father Hakadosh Baruch Hu the Ribbono Shel Olam!! Let’s all be mechazek and sing together. “Hakol Yachol…” Then she turned to her family and said, “Okay, now try to plug it in again.” They plugged in the Betty Crocker, and this time, it started working! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.
Read more: Daily Bitachon #1672