This story was called in from Ramot Alef in Eretz Yisrael by Mrs. Goldberg. She said over that she is a seamstress. We all know that before Yom Tov is one of the busiest seasons; people are coming nonstop. “Could you hem this? Can you fix this?” As it was getting closer and closer to Yom Tov, she was making more rules and more rules, until she decided that she wouldn’t take any new clothing unless it was something simple As Yom Tov got even closer, she said, “Sorry! No more clothing! I have to get everything back to all of my customers before Yom Tov, I don’t have time for anything else.” Whoever had already given her stuff would be waiting for a couple of days to get it back. The line was very long. All of a sudden, she got a knock on her door. A lady came in and said, “I have a couple of articles of clothing that need hemming, sewing. Can you do it before Yom Tov?” Mrs. Goldberg was thinking to herself, “No! I can’t do it before Yom Tov, I have no t ime! It’s going to take me too long.” To her own surprise, she said, “Yes, I can do it. I can do it right away, on the spot!” The lady gave her one article, then a second article. Mrs. Goldberg was wondering to herself the whole time, “This doesn’t make sense. Why did I just take it? I don’t have time! Even the people that I already agreed to take their clothes, I don’t do it for them on the spot!” After she finally finished the tailoring, she actually even gave it to her for a cheaper price than usual. It wasn’t adding up! It didn’t make sense. Mrs. Goldberg didn’t understand what was going on. After she gave her back all the articles of clothing, she said, “Can I ask you one question? It doesn’t make sense. I haven’t been taking any more customers; I’ve been turning down so many people. You, not only do I take you; I do it on the spot; and I even give you a cheaper price! Can you tell me what was going on behind the scenes? Why did this happen to me?” The customer said, “I’ll tell you the truth. I woke up this morning, and I said, ‘Yes, I know it’s the day before Yom Tov. But Hashem, I really want something new. Hashem, I really want my clothing to get hemmed and fixed. Hashem, I know You are the only one who is going to be able to do it for me. On top of that, Hashem, I want a good price; I want a cheap price.’ And I just told Hashem this. After I spoke to Hashem, I came to you. I said I want a close seamstress, so I don’t have to run around. No issues and no problems. I want everything to go smooth from beginning to end. I want it to be chick-chock, 1,2,3. Here I am, and guess what! That’s exactly what happened! Chick-chock, 1,2,3, with the best service, best price, everything was superb!” As hear on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.
Read more: Daily Bitachon #1677