This story has been called in all the way from Eretz Yisrael, from Beit Shemesh, by Mishpachas Benjamin. She said that her children were hungry, and she was thinking of calling her husband to ask him if he could bring home pizza. Then she thought, “One second, why don’t I go straight to HaKadosh Baruch Hu, straight to the Ribono Shel Olam? He is the one in charge of feeding my children. And therefore I’ll just tell HaKadosh Baruch Hu, the Ribono Shel Olam, that our children are hungry.” It didn’t take too much longer until her husband came through the door, and she saw him holding… pizza for the whole family! She was wondering, “How did you know? That’s exactly what we wanted!” He said, “I’ll tell you the truth. I was walking down the block, and a couple of Yeshiva Bochurim came over to me. They said that they were walking by a pizza shop, and the owner of the store said, “Here, enjoy!” They took the pizza, but then they realized they were already Fleishig. They decided they were going to give it to the next Yid who passed by. “And here it is!” In no time, the family got the pizza they wanted with the best service! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.
Read more: Daily Bitachon #1619