Daily Bitachon #1645

This story has been called in by Mrs. Malinowitz. Her daughter asked her, “Can we buy shoes in a certain store?” Mrs. Malinowitz said, “Of course, I would love to take you to that store, but do you remember what happened last time? The lines are forever. It takes over an hour just to get seen. I don’t have much time right now. What should we do?” Then she said, “One second, that’s if we’re going with laws of nature. If we go with emunah and bitachon, that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is a Kol Yachol, He can do anything and everything.” They went to the shoe store. She wanted a specific size, a specific style, and specific color. They walked into the store, and they saw a mob, lines out the door. People said they were waiting over an hour already. They said, “We’re going with Emunah and Bitachon.” They went up to the cash register to ask how long the wait would be, and they saw someone coming to return a pair of shoes, the exact size, style, and color she was looking for. She asked, “Can I try that on?” She said, “Sure, of course, I was going to return it.” She tried it on, and it fit perfectly! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1646

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