Daily Bitachon #1646

This story was called in by Mrs. Widrow. She said one of her children needed to go to the seamstress because they needed something for the next day that needed hemming and fixing. The problem was that it was late at night, and the seamstress closed at 10 pm. By the time they would arrive, it would only be a few minutes before closing. It was at the other end of Lakewood, so driving there would really be a waste of time. Then she realized, “That’s only if I go with laws of nature. If I go with emunah and bitachon, Hashem could do anything and everything.” With that, they travelled to the other end of the Lakewood, and they arrived at 9:56, four minutes before closing. Mrs. Widrow asked, “Can we come in?” The seamstress said, “Sure, of course. What do you need?” Mrs. Widrow showed them. The seamstress said, “Sure, of course. It will take 45 minutes, but you’ll have it tonight.” Just like that, at 10:45, the seamstress gave them everything that they needed with a smile. As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1647

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