Daily Bitachon #1658

A very chashuve yungerman, R’ Fisher, had a friend who came to him frequently to unburden himself. “What should I do? I have a daughter in the parsha of shidduchim for so long, and we’re not even getÝng any names! There’s nowhere to even start from!” This friend used to come over to R’ Fisher all the time, and he didn’t know what to answer him. His heart went out to him. He felt terrible! One day, he was listening to story on ‘A Life With Bitachon’ about Rabbi Trenk. An older girl came to Rabbi Trenk and said, “Rebbe, what should I do? I’m in the parsha of shidduchim already for so long! No names are coming in. I feel so alone; I feel abandoned. What am I supposed to do with these emotions and feelings?” Rabbi Trenk went to get a becher, and he went to get some wine. He filled up the becher, and he made a bracha with the tune used during sheva brachos! “Baruch atah Hashem elokenu melech haolam boreh pri hagafen!” He drank the wine, and he said, “Mazel tov! It’s ofÏcial!” It didn’t take too much longer, a couple of days, and a name was suggested! A couple of weeks later, she became a kallah! After R’ Fisher heard that story, he told his friend that he knows what he can do for him. “You know what? I can help you!” His friend said, “Really?? I’ll do anything! Tell me what to do!!” R’ Fisher answered him, “Let’s start dancing as if we’re at the chasunah! As if you’re marrying off your child right now!!” They broke out in a dance, and they started singing chasunah songs! They felt such simcha! They felt Hakadosh Baruch Hu mamesh bringing the yeshua! R’ Fisher said that the next day, his friend came over and said, “You won’t believe what just happened! Within 24 hours we got a name! We’re looking into it.” Within a couple of weeks, he came back and said, “Mazal tov! It’s ofÏcial!!! Baruch Hashem, they get everything they were looking for, the best shidduch! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon #1659

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