This story has been called in all the way from Eretz Yisrael by a very Choshuve Yungerman by the name of Shmuel Oliason from Afula. He said that he traveled from Afula to Migdal Ha’Emek to buy a very big and heavy item. After they finished buying it, his whole family was carrying it up the hill to the bus station to bring it on the bus. As they were schlepping it up, they realized and noticed that the bus was already at the bus stop, and it would be leaving any second. It was still going to take them a couple of minutes to get to the top. It was boiling hot and they were shvitzing. They were really getting tired and kvetchy. His family said, “Oh, what’s going to be? The bus is leaving. The next bus going from Migdal Ha’Emek to Afula is in another half hour. There’s no way we can wait that long.” He said to his family, “You think that it’s the bus that gets us places, and therefore you’re worried? Really, it’s our loving caring Father, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, the Ribono Shel Olam that gets us places. Therefore, when we arrive at the top of the hill, HaKadosh Boruch Hu will give us a ride, special for us! His children said, “Tatty, yeah? Where is it going to come from?” “Oh, you want to know where? Let’s look. We’ll see a surprise, what Hashem sends us.” They got to the top of the hill, with that heavy big package, boiling hot and shvitzy. They wanted to get home already. All of a sudden, a car stopped, rolled down the window, and said, “Today I’m interested in doing a Mitzvah. Is there any place that I could bring you?” They said, “Well, we’re going to Afula, which is a half-hour away from here.” “So what’s the problem? Get right into the car with your whole family, bring all your packages, and you will be getting the best ride, door-todoor, with the best service! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’
Read more: Daily Bitachon 5