Daily Bitachon 6

This story has been called in all the way from Eretz Israel by Mishpachas Rothstein. She said over that she gives Shiurim about Bitachon to many people. One of the people called her up with a question, “Did I hear you saying over and over that you could have Bitachon for whatever you want? Does that only apply for yourself? Or does it apply that you could also have Bitachon for whatever someone else wants?” She said, “Let me call a Life with Bitachon with this question and let’s see what the answer is.” She left a message and the response was, “Just like Bitachon helps you, you can have Bitachon for whoever you want. There’s no rules or regulations when it comes to Bitachon; Bitachon means Hashem wants to give you whatever you want. If you want it for yourself, that’s good, and if you want it for somebody else, it’s even better!” Mrs. Rothstein left another message, and she said, “I saw what you said first hand! Somebody called up that they were at the airport, and they lost their suitcase. It was nowhere to be found. They couldn’t even find the tracking number. There was no trace of it anywhere. She didn’t know what to do. She told Mrs. Rothstein, “I listen to your Shiurim on Bitachon, but right now I don’t have the Koach to have Bitachon. Are you able to have Bitachon for me?” I said, “Of course I’ll have Bitachon for you! You’re going to find your suitcase 1-2-3, right away, and we’re already picturing the Yeshua!” Later on that day, she got a phone call – “Wow, your Bitachon worked! After I finished speaking to you, the airline contacted me. Yes, they found my tracking number and my suitcase!” As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon 7

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