Daily Bitchon 1

This story has been called in all the way from Eretz Yisrael by a very Choshuve Yungerman by the name of Shmuel Sholom Greenberg who lives in Afula. It was Erev Shabbos, and he had to go to Beitar for Shabbos. He said that from Afula to Beitar it’s over a three hour bus ride. When he went to his local bus stop right in front of his house, the bus that was supposed to take him to his destination just flew right by. It was a fully loaded and packed bus. The bus driver didn’t even stop, and that was the last bus going before Shabbos. He was at the bus stop with his family, trying to figure out how in the world were they going to get to Beitar for Shabbos. The last bus had already arrived and left. He made some inquiries, and he saw that there was one more bus leaving from Bayit VeGan, which was about two hours away from his house. If he went to Bayit VeGan right away, he could make that bus from Bayit VeGan to Beitar. “But how in the world are we going to get to Bayit Vegan right now? We have to leave at once to be able to catch the bus. We can’t wait a second. But… how are we going to get there?” Then he said, “One second, who’s running this world? You think it’s the bus company? You think it’s the bus drivers? It’s HaKadosh Baruch Hu, the Ribbono Shel Olam. He is HaKol Yachol. He can do everything and anything.” Right then, a different bus stopped by the bus stop. A Yerushalmi Yid got off the bus and asked him, “Do you need a ride anywhere? Could I bring you somewhere?” He said, “Well, we’re going to Bayit VeGan. It’s around two hours away from here.” He said, “Sure, I have a car right down the block, and I have room for you and your whole family. I’ll take you, door to door service.” Within two minutes of saying, “Hashem, it’s You!” they got a free ride, door to door! As heard on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.

Read more: Daily Bitachon 2

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