Give me 24 hours

“Give me 24 hours”

A once very wealthy, prominent Jewish man came to his Rav, reporting that he didn’t even have enough money to make shabbos. His Rav told him to give him 24 hours. Twenty-four hours later, and after a few phone calls, his Rav had $50,000 to help him and his large family!
Klal Yisrael is the best Nation in the world!
[heard by Rav Zevy Golombeck]

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A once very wealthy, prominent Jewish man came to his Rav, reporting that he didn’t even have enough money to make shabbos. His Rav told him to give him 24 hours. Twenty-four hours later, and after a few phone calls, his Rav had $50,000 to help him and his large family!
Klal Yisrael is the best Nation in the world!
[heard by Rav Zevy Golombeck]

Read more: Free Gluten-Free!