Hashem's Love- Beyond Your Imagination

Hashem’s Love- Beyond Your Imagination

Mrs. Stone* was looking to purchase a new china cabinet, but after searching multiple stores, she was unable to find the design and color china cabinet she wanted.
She thought to herself “”I guess Hashem doesn’t want me to have a china cabinet””. But then, later on in the day she got a phone call from her neighbor, that she is moving and that they have a china cabinet that if she would like, she could have it.
She saw it, and it was exactly what she was looking for! And for free!
The final touch was that the movers were able to bring it to her house without any extra hassle.
Hashem said, “”Even what you thought you wouldn’t get, you could have with door to door service!””
[heard by R’ Zevy Golombeck]


Read more: Kiddush L’vanah in Lakewood!

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