Ezra from Monsey, New York, was speaking to his friend and his friend mentioned to him how much it would mean to him to have a Chazon Ish esrog. Ezra then did the unthinkable. He gave his own Chazon Ish esrog to his friend!
With Sukkos coming around the corner, after Ezra looked all over for a Chazon Ish esrog, still didn’t have on of his own. Ezra then thought to himself “”you never lose by doing the right thing- I’m sure I’ll get a esrog before the chag””. At the last minute, a friend showed up at his house and presented him with a gift: a Chazon Ish esrog!
The happiness was shared by all!
[Heard from R’ Zevy Golombeck]
Read more: Jewish Man comes to the Rescue