Jewish Man Forgoes his Esrog

Jewish Man Forgoes his Esrog

Ezra from Monsey, New York, was speaking to his friend and his friend mentioned to him how much it would mean to him to have a Chazon Ish esrog. Ezra then did the unthinkable. He gave his own Chazon Ish esrog to his friend!
With Sukkos coming around the corner, after Ezra looked all over for a Chazon Ish esrog, still didn’t have on of his own. Ezra then thought to himself “”you never lose by doing the right thing- I’m sure I’ll get a esrog before the chag””. At the last minute, a friend showed up at his house and presented him with a gift: a Chazon Ish esrog!
The happiness was shared by all!
[Heard from R’ Zevy Golombeck]


Read more: Jewish Man comes to the Rescue

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