London Yidden Dance With Bitachon

London Yidden Dance With Bitachon

It was Motzei Shabbos Hagadol, and the mespalelim at Khal Yesharim* in London, UK, wanted to be mekdash the levana but the sky was cloudy.
After waiting 10 minutes, one of the mispalelim by the name of Dovid* turned to a friend and said, “”Let’s do something that will show that we have bitachon in Hashem that He will make the moon appear.””
They started dancing to the tune of “”Toivim Meoros,”” the song that Yidden sing after Kiddush Levana.
Thirty seconds after they finished the dance the moon appeared!
Right after they finished Kiddush Levana, the clouds covered the moon again!! [Heard from Dovid]

Read More: The Power of Bitachon!

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It was Motzei Shabbos Hagadol, and the mespalelim at Khal Yesharim* in London, UK, wanted to be mekdash the levana but the sky was cloudy.
After waiting 10 minutes, one of the mispalelim by the name of Dovid* turned to a friend and said, “”Let’s do something that will show that we have bitachon in Hashem that He will make the moon appear.””
They started dancing to the tune of “”Toivim Meoros,”” the song that Yidden sing after Kiddush Levana.
Thirty seconds after they finished the dance the moon appeared!
Right after they finished Kiddush Levana, the clouds covered the moon again!! [Heard from Dovid]

Read More: The Power of Bitachon!