Man Thanks Hashem For Holes in His Shoes

Man Thanks Hashem For Holes in His Shoes

On Sunday, the 4th of Nissan, 5783, Ari* rented from Lowes a carpet cleaner for 48 hours.
He put down a $35 deposit that would be refunded to him if the Carpet Cleaner was returned clean
On Monday, 5th of Nissan, he cleaned the machine and went to Lowes to return it.
The lady behind the counter looked at the machine and said that it looked good. But then she asked to
see the bottom and it was dirty. Ari had forgotten to clean the bottom of the machine…
He wanted his money back so he decided to bring it home to clean it.
When he put it back in his car, his wife called and asked him to purchase paper towels.
So Ari went back in to buy paper towels.
Ari left the store for a second time thinking to himself that it would be a big schlep to come back
again the next day to return the machine. Then his toe started to hurt. He thought to
himself, “”Why is it hurting? Because it just rained and the ground is wet and my shoe has a hole…””
Then he thought, “”Hey, I’m holding paper towels and there are puddles, why don’t I take the
paper towels, make them wet and clean the bottom of the machine!””
And that’s exactly what he did! It took him 5 minutes! He went back inside the store and returned the machine all nice and clean!
Ari then thanked Hashem for Rain, Paper towels, and holes in his shoes!!! [Heard from Ari]


Read more: No More Nightmares!

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