Our Beautiful Nation

Chesed and Ahavas Yisroel!

R’ Hershel Braun,* from Monsey, New York, brought his car to the mechanic.
He then decided to walk and try to hitch to his workplace which was on the other side of Monsey.
Within a few minutes, he got a ride with a fellow Yid who took him a significant portion of the way.
R’ Hershel then continued walking. After just a minute or two another Yid pulled over to offer him a ride. Incredibly, the Yid only noticed him after he had passed by, and despite being on the way to work himself, he pulled over to wait for R’ Hershel to catch up to him.
Within a few minutes of being dropped off, the third Gomel Chesed of the morning stopped, and brought him just minutes from his destination!
What a zechus is was for R’ Hershel to experience such chesed and Ahavas Yisroel!
According to R’ Hershel, all three drivers did not just offer rides, they did so with a smile, and truly made him feel as if they appreciated the chance to help!

Read More: Chesed Beyond Belief!

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