The Jewish Nation-The Kindest Ever!

The Jewish Nation-The Kindest Ever!

A hospital volunteer, Leah,* was taking a child attached to an IV on a stroll through the hospital. When they went past the gift shop, she thought to herself that it would be nice to buy a nice present for the child, but she saw that she didn’t have money with her. Just then, a woman came over to her and said, “Are you Jewish? because I am also Jewish, and I would like to give you $10 to buy something nice for the child you are with.”
Leah felt so hugged and kissed by Hashem, not having money, and someone comes over to you and offers you money, in a hospital!
[heard by R’ Zevy Golombeck]

Read more: Hashem sends Guests!

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A hospital volunteer, Leah,* was taking a child attached to an IV on a stroll through the hospital. When they went past the gift shop, she thought to herself that it would be nice to buy a nice present for the child, but she saw that she didn’t have money with her. Just then, a woman came over to her and said, “Are you Jewish? because I am also Jewish, and I would like to give you $10 to buy something nice for the child you are with.”
Leah felt so hugged and kissed by Hashem, not having money, and someone comes over to you and offers you money, in a hospital!
[heard by R’ Zevy Golombeck]

Read more: Hashem sends Guests!