The Spring Hill Times Issue 138 Parashas Ki Sisa 5784
Click below to download this week’s issue of The Spring Hill Times. Inspired by ‘A Life with Bitachon’. The Spring Hill Times Issue 138 Parashas
Click below to download this week’s issue of The Spring Hill Times. Inspired by ‘A Life with Bitachon’. The Spring Hill Times Issue 138 Parashas
Mrs. Meisel’s* daughter was diagnosed with bipolar. She was going through many issues and struggles in school. Her mother got very down about it and
R’ Halpert* used to work with somebody, and he was very jealous of that other person. He felt that he was more successful and more
Mendy,* a yeshiva bachur, was waiting with his friend for a hitch. Every car was passing by, and no one was giving them a ride.
Mrs. Alpert, R’ Avigdor Miller’s einkel, once called me up to ask what Kabbalah she could do to bring more kavod shamayim to the world.
Ushi Sofer* was flying overseas back to his Yeshiva. He arrived at the airport only 45 minutes before his flight, and found a very long