1661- This story was called in by Mrs. Blau. It was garbage day, and Mrs. Blau put her garbage out for pickup. She brought out her garbage to the curb. When she came out an hour later, she saw that all the garbage bins were taking besides for hers. She realized and noticed that someone who came to visit didn’t realize, and they parked right in front of all her garbage cans, blocking them. Therefore, the garbage wasn’t able to get picked up. So she was thinking, “What should I do now? I really want my garbage to get picked up right away, but the garbage men already left!” Then she thought, “One second. Who is in charge of garbage pick up? Who is in charge of taking care of it? The garbage men? It’s my loving caring father, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, the Ribbono Shel Olam. I’m just going to leave it up to Him. He’s Hakol Yachol. He can do everything and anything.” Mrs. Blau said that one hour later she looked outside, and she saw the garbage truck right across the street! She went outside and asked them if she can bring them her garbage. They said, “Of course! Sure, no problem!” And just like that, 1,2,3, her garbage was picked up! As hear on ‘A Life With Bitachon’.
Read more: Daily Bitachon # 1662