This story was called in by a very choshuve yungerman named Yehuda Zev Mann. He said that on Yom Tov his Rebbetzin wanted to bring the kinderlach for Birchas Kohanim. But the issue was, that he was davening far away from the house, and his wife wanted to bring the kids to the local shul near where they lived. Who was going to bring the kids in? Who was going to take care of them during Birchas Kohanim? What’s going to be? So she said, “You know what I’m going to do? I’m just going to take a walk toward shul and have Bitachon that Hashem is Hakol Yachol, and He can do everything and anything. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if my husband is in a far off shul! Hashem has many other shluchim to take care of things. I’m just going to leave it up to Hashem, the Ribbono Shel Olam.” As she was walking, all of a sudden, she looked up and she saw her father was walking right past the shul! She was wondering, “My father doesn’t live anywhere close to here! What is he doing here?” She said, “Totty! Why are you here?” Her father answered, “Well, I davened vasikin, my minyan already finished a long time ago, and now I was walking somewhere and I’m passing by. Why? What do you need from me? Can I be of help or assistance? She said, “Yes! I was looking for someone to take my kinderlach in to Birchas Kohanim. The shul is up to it at any minute!” Her father said, “Sure of course, my greatest pleasure!” He walked in and they were just up to Retzeh, and everything worked out. As heard on A Life with Bitachon.
Read more: Daily Bitachon # 1664