Meir Adler* and his brother Avromi* from Monsey, New York, wanted to go upstate to spend Shabbos Beha’alosecha with Rav Tzvi Meir Silberberg.
Their father, Rabbi Adler, told them that it would cost $200 for each of them and that he doesn’t have the money.
Nevertheless, he reserved a place for them with the hope that money would turn up.
Later on, the one in charge of reservations called Rabbi Adler and told him that if no payment comes in then he would lose the reservations.
Rabbi Adler said, “”Fine.””
The next day, someone deposited into Rabbi Adler’s account $450. Exactly enough money to pay for both reservations and for the bus ride back and forth! Rabbi Adler has no idea who the person was!
Baruch Hashem, they had a beautiful inspiring Shabbos! [Heard from Meir Adler]
Read more: Hashem Loves His Yeshiva Bochurim!