charge of emotions

“It’s Hashem Who’s is in charge of emotions!”

Mrs. Cohen* was faced with a dilemma: her daughter had a friend who she knew was not such a good influence on her. She felt she should say something to her, but on the other hand, she knew that whatever she would say would only backfire. So Mrs. Cohen devised a strategy, the best strategy; she went straight to the One in charge of emotions, Hashem, and she said, “Hashem, You in charge of emotions, You can do anything and everything, put in my daughter’s heart to not to want to friends with this person anymore.” The day after, her daughter came over to her, “I thought about it, don’t know why I’m friends with this person; it doesn’t make me happy. I want to have good friends.”
And just like that, she made a complete turnaround!
“The power of realizing that you don’t have to speak to your daughter; it’s Hashem Who’s is in charge of emotions!”


Read more: Hashem Works Out Everything

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