Parnassah is from Hashem!

R’ Dovid Weinstein’s* grandparents were brought up with the hashkafa that in order to be successful in life, one needs to go to college. You need money in order to support your family. College, college, college.  R’ Dovid was brought up with everything is: Torah, Torah, Torah, Emunah and Bitachon, and that Hashem takes care of us.  When he was getting married, they asked him, “Nu? Does she have a good job? Does she have a degree? Does she have anything?” He said, “No, no, no.” They said, “Who’s going to support and take care of you.” He said, “I have an idea.”  They answered, “Well, how do you know she’s going to be successful?” His response was, “I don’t know, I didn’t think about these things; I leave it up to Hashem.” R’ David’s wife has a friend who had built a very successful business but was finding the workload too much to handle, so she decided she was going to give away the company. She said to R’ Dovid’s wife, “I’m offering it to you first.” And just like that, his wife took over the company. Usually, it takes years to build up a business, but she got it all in one second!

 [R’ Zevy Golombeck]

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R’ Dovid Weinstein’s* grandparents were brought up with the hashkafa that in order to be successful in life, one needs to go to college. You need money in order to support your family. College, college, college.  R’ Dovid was brought up with everything is: Torah, Torah, Torah, Emunah and Bitachon, and that Hashem takes care of us.  When he was getting married, they asked him, “Nu? Does she have a good job? Does she have a degree? Does she have anything?” He said, “No, no, no.” They said, “Who’s going to support and take care of you.” He said, “I have an idea.”  They answered, “Well, how do you know she’s going to be successful?” His response was, “I don’t know, I didn’t think about these things; I leave it up to Hashem.” R’ David’s wife has a friend who had built a very successful business but was finding the workload too much to handle, so she decided she was going to give away the company. She said to R’ Dovid’s wife, “I’m offering it to you first.” And just like that, his wife took over the company. Usually, it takes years to build up a business, but she got it all in one second!

 [R’ Zevy Golombeck]