Prayer is the Best Tool!

Prayer is the Best Tool!

It was Erev Shabbos 7 Iyur, 5783, and Rabbi Chaim Schwartz* from Monsey, New York was trying to put the refrigerator on Shabbos mode. But it wasn’t going on. He tried for a long time but was unsuccessful.
Mrs. Schwartz then told her husband, “”Let me try putting it on.””
She said, “”Hashem we want to put the Shabbos mode on. Please help.””
She then tried and it went on!

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It was Erev Shabbos 7 Iyur, 5783, and Rabbi Chaim Schwartz* from Monsey, New York was trying to put the refrigerator on Shabbos mode. But it wasn’t going on. He tried for a long time but was unsuccessful.
Mrs. Schwartz then told her husband, “”Let me try putting it on.””
She said, “”Hashem we want to put the Shabbos mode on. Please help.””
She then tried and it went on!