Care of Klal Yisrael

The Care of Klal Yisrael!

The David’s* wanted to give their children Morah’s and Raba’im something as a sign of appreciation in honor of Chanukah. The problem and issue was that they were low on cash, but they thought that 500 dollars would be a substantial sign of appreciation.
And then an idea from A Life with Bitachon popped into Mrs. David’s mind; she bought envelopes and thank you cards and started writing them, all while picturing that the money would come to be able to include in the envelopes. And yes, when her husband came home from Kollel, he said that his Rosh Kollel told him that a prominent Jew came to him with 500 dollars to support Torah, and here it is for you!
And with that, the David’s had what to give!
There is such a strong flow of love and care in the Jewish Nation!
[heard by R’ Zevy Golombeck]

Read more: Am Yisrael is so Thoughtful!

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The David’s* wanted to give their children Morah’s and Raba’im something as a sign of appreciation in honor of Chanukah. The problem and issue was that they were low on cash, but they thought that 500 dollars would be a substantial sign of appreciation.
And then an idea from A Life with Bitachon popped into Mrs. David’s mind; she bought envelopes and thank you cards and started writing them, all while picturing that the money would come to be able to include in the envelopes. And yes, when her husband came home from Kollel, he said that his Rosh Kollel told him that a prominent Jew came to him with 500 dollars to support Torah, and here it is for you!
And with that, the David’s had what to give!
There is such a strong flow of love and care in the Jewish Nation!
[heard by R’ Zevy Golombeck]

Read more: Am Yisrael is so Thoughtful!