It’s Geshmak To Do The Right Thing

Rabbi Golombeck was at Leifer’s shul. A Yid by the name of R’ Chaim* had a yahrzeit for his mother. He was about to go up to daven for the Amud, but someone else really wanted to daven for the Amud. 

R’ Chaim knew that it’s a zechus to be mevater, so he let that other person daven. R’ Chaim walked away so happy, knowing that he did the best thing!

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Rabbi Golombeck was at Leifer’s shul. A Yid by the name of R’ Chaim* had a yahrzeit for his mother. He was about to go up to daven for the Amud, but someone else really wanted to daven for the Amud. 

R’ Chaim knew that it’s a zechus to be mevater, so he let that other person daven. R’ Chaim walked away so happy, knowing that he did the best thing!